Tel: 013 697 1876/61

Analytical Services


IMG_2268The establishment of the VAS Analytical Services  lab was in response to a need for high quality, commercial, coal analytical services in the Delmas area.
VAS Analytical Services offers analytical services that are both cost effective and accurate. Our state of the art laboratory complies with local and international standards these being the ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 requirements within the scope of their business also to both professional practices and provision of highest quality service by ensuring accurate and timely results to the customers

Our laboratory is allocated conveniently within close proximity to the majority of mining houses within the Delmas region.


Our comprehensive suite of analytical services is comprised of the following:

  • Sampling and Sample Preparation
  • Washability Testing
  • Abrasive Index
  • Dry and Wet Screening
  • Total Sulphur
  • Hardgrove Index
  • Calorific Value
  • Total Moisture
  • Proximate Analysis
  • Ash Fusion Temperature (AFT)
  • Bulk Density
  • Relative Density
  • Perform technical audits on sampling plants and laboratory


Our highly qualified team of technicians and analysts operate in laboratories with state-of-the-art instrumentation, providing you with the utmost attention to accuracy, reputable methodology, and reliable operating procedures.

Our team is comprised of trained and experienced professionals who are dedicated to their work.

 VAS Analytical Services Contact:  013 665 1145/ 083 776 9851


VAS Analytical Services Quality Assurance Program ensures that our data meets the best international quality standards. Our laboratory uses concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM), which continuously refines laboratory processes based on continuous quality feedback. This ensures consistent operations on a daily basis.

VAS Analytical Services also continually monitors its analytical processes through the application of statistical process control (SPC). SPC involveIMG_2105s plotting the results of chemical processes and using statistical methods to monitor, evaluate, and predict process behaviors. SPC is an effective tool that determines if process results are outside either the acceptable range for the chemical process or outside the quality standards our labs adhere to. Problems are detected and remedied promptly to ensure analytical accuracy.


We provide Research and Development (R&D) services. Our objectives are to research, develop and transfer to industry novel and improved technologies for processing, extracting, refining, as well as solve environmental related problems. We strive to enhance the competitiveness of the minerals industry in the global market.


The quality systems and processes of the VAS Analytical Services are based on ISO17025. Full participation to the quality system will be our core business. The quality objectives are:

IMG_2250Obtain and maintain a recognized level of competence on testing   service rendered.

  • To be a world class testing facility by following international best practices.
  • The integrity and independence of the test services and results may not be compromised.
  • The clients’ needs for timely results are met by maximum efficiency of operations.
  • Ensuring effective communication with clients. Increasing quality consciousness and compliance among employees.

The achievement of these quality objectives will be monitored at regular planned management meetings


VAS Analytical Services management commits itself and all its personnel to good and professional practice in the establishment, implementation and maintenance of a management system based on conforming in all aspects to International standards in coal testing service and other regulatory requirements.

VAS Analytical Services management commits itself to comply with the ISO 17025:2005
Compliance with its management system manual would ensure that the Laboratory effectively carries out its testing activities in such a manner as to satisfy the requirements of its customers, the regulatory authorities or organizations providing recognition, such as ISO/IEC 17025.


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